Monday, January 21, 2013

Meet Mily

I have recently been praying about being materialistic. I feel as though there is always something on my mind that I want to buy next. I love going out to dinner to new restaurants and that takes up a lot of my money. The only way to turn this around is to do the opposite of using the money for myself and to use it for others. Take a read through my journal entry from yesterday:

"I very much have a longing to help the poor. I think about the children in Guatemala. Their bright glowing faces. How easily it was to feel God's presence. I wasn't enslaved by the things of this world (internet, gossip, TV, computer, money, possessions). The country down there was beautiful. I so very much long for a lifestyle change. I know that while I am on this sinful globe I will be trapped in this sinful lifestyle. But I believe that God can help me make changes to my life so that I can feel his presence even in all this chaos. I felt like time just stopped in Guatemala. It was a gorgeous place. Beautiful mountains and people. People that need Jesus and an education. I will seek out God everyday. He will show me the way to go with my life. Do I stay here in my own comfort? Do I trust God to lead me elsewhere?"

Yesterday, I was talking to a co-worker about Madiana, a girl I sponsor in Haiti. She was interested in the company that does the sponsorship program. I began telling her about Compassion International. We started clicking through pages and pages of children that needed sponsors. I came across Mily in Guatemala and instantly fell in love with her. She is so adorable and is from Guatemala. I fell in love and signed up to be her sponsor. My co-worker now is interested in sponsoring a child! God can move through the chaos of work and be a light to those around me when I least expect it. Such an incredible beautiful thing!

Today is Mily's birthday! I hope to one day meet her and the other girl that I sponsor in Haiti, Madiana. Someday I will be dancing on the streets of gold with Madiana and Mily. How I long for that day to come and how glorious it will be! Interested in sponsoring a child through Compassion? Find out more here.

Happy Birthday Mily!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Scout Auzro

I would like to give a shout out to my cousin, Taylor, and her husband, Matt, on the arrival of their little one, Scout Auzro. He was born into the world on December 18, 2012 and weighed 7lbs 10oz. He is the cutest little baby! I was able to go visit Scout in the hospital the day he was born. It was such a special moment! I had held plenty of babies before, but not a newborn on the day it was born! He was so teenie tiny! He is almost 4 weeks old now and has already grown so much! I am so thankful that I live close to Scout so I can visit! 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Isabella's First

Almost a month ago (12/14/12) was little Isabella's first birthday! Isabella is my cousin, Morgan's, daughter. So technically it is my first cousin once removed! Morgan put together the cutest little birthday party for Isabella. It looked like something right out of Pinterest! I still can't believe Issie was a tiny baby this time last year. Man has time flown! I am so blessed to live only ten minutes from Morgan and Isabella. It is fun to go over and visit with my cousin and her adorable family! Enjoy the pictures!

Cute table that Morgan put together! 
Right out of Pinterest??
Kiki and Isabella
Delicious birthday cupcakes.
DIY hot chocolate bar - cute idea! 
Issie's first birthday cake! 
Issie eyeing her presents.
Three generations of Cawleys!
Issie opening her gifts! - She was more interested in the wrapping paper! 
Getting help from her Mom.
Give me some cake Dad! 
Hmm... not sure how I feel about this stuff.
Maybe this tastes good??
Dad helping her eat it! 
Not a huge cake fan - maybe next year!
Her Mama sure has a sweet tooth! 
Crazy adorable family! 
Morgan, Isabella & Josh.
Cutest little bday outfit!
Playing with her new toys. 
Story time! 
Birthday throne!

Happy 1st Birthday Isabella!!
Love you so much!
Aunt Rachie 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Winter Style

I recently bought a pair of booties from Nordstrom on Black Friday. I got them for such a steal! They are super comfy and cute. You can wear them easily with skinny jeans or a pair of leggings. Check out a similar pair here. The striped dress is from Goodwill (pretty sure it was off the dollar rack)! I love shopping for steals as you can tell. My skinny jeans are from American Eagle (love their skinny jeans) and my teal top is from Forever 21 (obsessed with that store). I believe my necklace is also Forever 21.